Sunday, October 12, 2008

Condolences for Valerie


I too felt so sad when I saw that Valerie's time had ended. I know you are heartbroken and I hope you heal soon. She was so lucky to have you in her life. You are an amazing person Carrie.

Take care,

Dear Carrie

I just wanted you to know how very sad we are to hear we have lost Valerie. You must surely be heartbroken and we have been thinking of you these past few days. I feel privileged to have met Valerie, because she was the inspiration for the work you do and because of her you have made a difference in the lives of so many others. As a parent, I am thinking at this time particularly of Valerie's mother, who now has a job and hope for the future, and for whom Valerie's life now has an even greater purpose.

God bless you

Oh Carolina ,

I’m so sorry that I apparently missed the email concerning Valerie’s passing away. I know you must be hurting so much. I hurt for you, and I will be thinking of and praying for you. I hope your trip to Mexico went OK. I wish I was closer.

I don’t have the words to express how much I admire all you do and how very special you are. The thing that always helps me is remembering that God doesn’t give us what we can’t handle. So while it might feel so overwhelming for a long time, your pain will get better. Love you lots. Let me know if I can do anything to help. Call me if you just want to talk to someone and someone who is always on your side!



Hi Carrie,

It is only by selfless love and efforts on your part and that of others involved with you that kids like Valerie have gotten to lead a better life. As her soul fulfills it's purpose on this earth and moves on to the world unknown to us, all that we can do is serve others in whichever way possible to better their lives.
Thank you for showing us the way to do so by letting us be a part of Carrie's Heart family and by being the torch in the life of so many who would have been lost in the dark without you and your mission.


We just got your email. Our hearts are so heavy with Valerie's loss. God has a new angel and Valerie has no more pain. We hope you are doing were her angel on Earth - don't ever forget that.

Our love and prayers,
Sandy, William, Nick & Kaycee

Morning Paige
Am in
Europe and saddend by the news.was hoping for a long life and to meet this little girl one day.
Kye Laffoon

Hi Ms. Conn,

I could not believe what I was reading. I thought I would get to meet Valerie and the other kids when I visit Mexico the next time. Please convey my sympathies to Valerie’s family.


Olivia and I were truly saddened to learn about little Valerie’s death at the weekend. I can well imagine that you and Paige are heart-broken. You are in our thoughts and prayers.

What a truly remarkable little girl! It is quite obvious that God brought her into the lives of many, many people in order to open our eyes to the desperate needs of children like her throughout the world. Although her time on this earth was brief, she will most definitely live on in the heart of minds of those whose lives she touched. Her life has paved the way for others like her to live a better life, thanks in great part to your incredible work with Carrie’s Heart and the Valerie Project. No doubt during her short life, Valerie suffered great pain and sorrow. We must all be grateful that God has released her of all pain and suffering and picture her jumping from cloud to cloud in Heaven and giggling – God’s newest Angel.

May God bless you richly for all the wonderful work you do in Valerie’s name.

Fiona M. Espinosa

Hi Carolina,
Sorry to hear of Valerie's passing, but glad to know that there is more to life than here on Earth thanks to our Lord and Savior . What you did to help Valerie will create ripples for generations for those involved with her and with you. You may not know how many lives that you touched through helping Valerie, but God knows and it matters.
Thank you for all you do for children with special needs!
With sincere sympathy,
Amy Campbell

Bless you for helping to make Valerie's life happier and more comfortable while she was with us. Praise God that she is whole and well in Heaven now!I feel sad and happy at the same time. Valerie reminds me so much of my own daughter. Thank you for passing on this news. I pray that you have a good trip to Mexico. Blessings,Paula Adams

I just read your e-mail on Valerie and I am at work and I just broke in tears. Like the other e-mail (the one that talks about that now Valerie can eat her ice cream in heaven) and like my husband tells me about our little angel Marcela that when she goes to heaven, she will have a perfect soul and she will be able to talk and to do and do the things she can not do here in earth. I am going to pray for her mom and Valerie.

I am saddened !! My prayers are with you and her family…thanks for all you do with these beautiful children!!, love, Trish


I am filled with the beautiful memories I have of sweet little Valerie! The news of her passing has come as a shock to me!

I can not even imagine how you must be feeling right now. Valerie blessed us all, but the relationship you had with her goes beyond any words. The fierce motherly love and advocation you expressed for her was so sacred. While I know that you are at peace knowing that she is freed from the constraints of her physical body, your heart is surely grieving for her as only a mother's heart grieves, and I am so truly sorry for the pain and sadness you are experiencing.

The journey of Valerie's road to better health, joy, and dignity truly
began with YOUR footsteps. YOU were the world to her. Valerie is now an angel among our world and in the heavens, and her sprirt will be watching over you and and your mission here on earth . The bond you had with her did not die with her, it will be with you always.

In honor of Valerie and in gratitude for the birth and life of my sweet Madeline, I have made a small donation to help continue the mission of Carrie's Heart. Thank you for what you do for these precious children!!

Love, Olivia

Carrie and Paige ,
I am so saddened to read this news. Valerie has indeed touched many lives. I feel comfort knowing that my own little angel will take care of her and show her around to her new friends in heaven . And yes , they’re probably dancing, talking and eating ice cream as we speak. I can almost hear the giggles.
I’m thinking of you and Valerie’s family tonight.

I am so sorry to hear this news. Although I did not know Valerie she has made an impact on my life. From the first picture I saw of her she was forever in my heart. I am praying for all those touched by her life. I am also so blessed to know people that have let someone else's life propel them to do what is so desperately needed. I thank you all for your hard work, dedication and love for all the kids you serve. It is with great pleasure that I learn from you all. My heart truly hurts for you all while dealing with this loss. It is never easy. I will continue to lift you all up in prayer.
Much love,

I'm so sorry to hear about Valerie. Her story was so hopeful. I'm sorry for your pain, as I know she meant a great deal to you and many others.

I'm so sorry to hear about Valerie. You have worked so hard, and with
so much love, on her behalf and for all your other kids, I can't
imagine how you must be feeling. Please take care of yourself and let me
know if you need anything while you are down here these next days.

Thank you for that beautiful eulogy. Carrie, I will suffer with you as you carry this overwhelming grief. I wish I could take some of the burden off your shoulders. I wish I could write the grants and find the funding needed to sustain such important work as yours. What a blessing you are in so many people’s lives. I wish I knew how to manage real funding issues. Our gala is October 23rd. If you can attend, please be my guest, and stand and say something to new friends about the importance of valuing a neglected child’s life –that sharing the incredible offer of hope and dreams will bring light into a child’s life!

Love to you and let the strength of God be with you during this difficult time.


dearest carrie, i know your heart must be so heavy and your eyes filled with tears. but, forever you'll know, that for one little girl , your heart was open and she was loved. and her time here on earth was better because you found her and loved her. i am sure a part of your heart has a burning crack in it. valerie was sent to you as a gift. surely a darling, broken little package, who found love with you. to try to understand her short time is very difficult, but, i know, that because of your open heart she led you to an unbelievable humanitarian mission in the yucatan. your ability to encompass these children will always inspire me and make me so grateful that you and valerie were given to each other so that many children will have a better life. with love, doe

Dear Carrie,
I am so saddened at this news.
Bless you for all the love , hugs and smiles you gave Valerie.
I will be in touch..

Love you,

For the past few hours I've been thinking of memories I'm so grateful for...

Do you remember that first Christmas when we just went crazy with the presents/decorations for Valerie? And once we saw everything we kinda looked at one another and laughed with a moment of regret thinking we'd over done it. I'm SO glad we did and don't regret a single thing.

And a hilarious memory... our slumber birthday party at the hotel! I still would do that all again, maybe minus Jaunito, even with all the crazy non-sleeping. You and I freakin' shared a double bed! What the heck? I'm so glad we created those memories with Valerie and love that she got to experience those things with us.

She deserved so much more but I am so grateful for what we did get to do with her.

Thanks for being there for all of us. I can't imagine how hard it must be and I'm grateful the boys are with you, bc they can understand a little of what you're going through.

Many hugs - Call anytime...

Paige Whitten

Dear Carolina,
I am so sorry to hear about Valerie. I am glad you able to be at her
memorial. If not for her, so many others would not have been helped. Her
purpose was greater than she knew.
Take care on your travels.

I FEEL the sweetness and beauty of Valerie's spirit just reading this e-mail and viewing the pictures. And oh, how I can relate in many ways. Tears are streaming. Just her smile alone will stand alone.

Can't wait till we get the opportunity to sit and share! Don't get discouraged, Carrie. Keep on doing what God has placed in your heart and in your soul to do. It's my prayer that God will increase your territory and increase the provision for the vision that He has placed within you!

Talk to you real soon.


Dear Carrie—

I am so sorry to learn of Valerie’s death. What a beautiful little girl she was—and what a difficult short life she had. Thank you and the rest of the Carrie’s Heart Family for making it better for her.

Best wishes,


No tengo palabras para decirte mi sentimiento.

te mando un abrazo.....tu amiga: LULÙ

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