Sunday, July 02, 2006
Clausura - A beautiful experience!

One of the most interesting aspects of my time spent at Centro de Atencion Multiple was participating in the prepartations and dance practices for the "Clausura" or closing ceremony. The clausura is an interesting cultural experience that takes place on the closing day of school in schools throughout Mexico. I was excited to see that the students at the CAM schools also get to have a closing ceremony. For weeks the students and teachers practice the cultural dances that the students will perform for their family and friends at the "Clausura". Each group also works on costumes and props that the dancers will use. Such color and creativity! At CAM the students performed traditional dances from various regions of Mexico. In addition, students who were graduating from the pre-school and sixth grade (primaria) groups did special graduation dances and received their certificates. It was a beautiful experience watching this festive celebration!