Saturday, May 06, 2006
Valerie is here...let's celebrate at the Yucatan Fiesta tomorrow!

I am so happy to finally announce that Valerie has made it here safely. Valerie and her mother Alejandra arrived today accompanied by Lavonna Redman of Angel Notion. They were met at the airport by myself and our newest board member, Paige Whitten, who has been instrumental in each step of this mission. The family and Lavonna are staying in a hotel located in the medical center until a room at the Ronald McDonald house becomes available. We took them welcome baskets with personal care supplies for both mom & Valerie - along with some fun "girly" stuff for Valerie. We took them to Super Target and got them set up with some necessities. They are now resting in the hotel. We are thrilled to finally have them here and to begin Valerie's treatment. I want to thank each of you for your support. It is truly powerful when a group of people work together to do good for others!
I will keep you updated on the blog. Paige will be putting together a specific needs list for the family. Once the family gets settled and we have a treatment plan in place we will put out the call for specific volunteer & funding needs.
If you are in Katy / Houston please come out & celebrate with us at the Yucatan Fiesta tomorrow!!! Let's make this event a huge success - it all benefits such a great cause....embracing the potential in all children!!!!!
I can't begin to thank you all enough!