Sunday, April 02, 2006
Valerie Update 4/2

New pictures of Lavonna & Valerie and updates on Valerie's case:
Lavonna Redman (Angel Notion) went to see Valerie in her home on Friday - finalized the medical custody paperwork with both parents agreeing to sign over custody of Valerie so that she can hopefully get to the states for medical care. Lavonna said that Valerie's immediate reaction upon seeing her was to burst out crying - thinking she was a doctor. So Lavonna held her in her arms and whispered into her ear that we are all doing everything we can to help her. Lavonna said that Valerie is still very unkept & was alone when she arrived. But that she has been being fed Ensure on a more regular basis. Rosy Pirez (Angel Notion) visits the home on a daily basis and says she is working to gain the confidence of the family so that we will have their full cooperation during all the steps of getting Valerie's paperwork in order. The mother and grandmother are beginning to share more with her about the family dynamics and what has transpired that led to Valerie being in the state that she is in. It is a very sad and complicated situation. Our focus continues be on getting help for Valerie rather than using our energy on placing blame.
Many have asked why Valerie is still in the home. Please understand that we can not take her from the home until we have a long term plan for her care arranged. There is no where for her in Cozumel. We must first have a facility to take her to on a pro bono basis. Secondly, we have to have all of the paperwork in order to begin this process. We must have the family involved to take these legal steps in getting Valerie help. The process has been painstakingly slow for all of us - especially with the urgency of need. However, we must take care of this situation in way that Valerie is brought to the United States legally & that we have long term medical care for her when she arrives.
We hope to have a final decision made by Tuesday by a hospital that is reviewing Valerie's case. If all goes well Valerie's travel documents will be ready by Friday - we have experienced some delays but Lavonna & Rosy feel that things should go well this week. Lavonna is working on some possibilities for how we will transport Valerie once everything is lined up. Individuals and church & school groups throughout Houston & beyond have pulled together to help raise funds for Valerie. There has been media attention on Valerie's case both in Houston & in Cozumel. Channel 2 News in Houston ran a really good piece on the 10 p.m. news on Friday night. We hope to continue to get individual & community support for Valerie. We have begun tentative plans for a benefit event for Valerie & will keep you posted as plans come together.
I have added a webpage about Valerie on my site. There is a direct link from the homepage. The Valerie project page has links to the Angel Notion blog for up to date reports on Valerie. Many people have chosen to write a personl email to be sent to their circle of friends, family, church family & colleagues. They have found that making their own email for their particular group has been a great way to create a personal connection to others about Valerie.
Check out the new page at:
A huge thanks to all of the support that each of you has shown. I especially appreciate all of the kind words of support. I received a beautiful card from a friend that I have added to the Valerie page on the website it reads:
To the world
you may be one person,
but to one person
you many be the world.
I know that Valerie is blessed that so many have chosen to be the world to her.